tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ...

Middle East / and Dubai - ksn Research & amp; Consulting | Middle ...

tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ... Charm of the Middle East market Attractive market in the open Abundant natural resources facing a huge wealthy market against the backdrop of the Middle East. Here we always asked is ahead to direct its full purchasing power. Arabic, and cultural homogeneity, such as Islam, the Gulf Cooperation (GCC), market integrity of by the establishment of regional agreements such as the large Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) is also a feature of this region. As a result, the population billion million people in North Africa from the Middle East, market size, has spread 000 billion in the huge market. The countries of domestic industries is scarce this region, has taken a very open policy for the expansion of foreign companies, various incentives such as tax exemption has also been developed. High evaluation to the [Japanese production] Historically pro-Japanese countries are many, and in between the region's people that tend to seek high-quality products, Japan produced goods has won a very high reputation.

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