tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ...

National dish election want to eat in the Middle East | TABIPPO.NET ...

tell me! Is Naoko teacher [Middle East] is the Islamic ... National dish election want to eat in the Middle East Middle East (Middle East) refers to the vast area adjacent to the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. The whole area of ​​the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, also, such as Iraq is part of the Middle East. There is also a country with limited intake of meat by religious doctrine. In was the Ottoman Empire, Turkey is famous for the presence of the court cuisine which is based on goat and sheep. It is spicy cuisine that has been ineffective plenty to common in any of the country. Compatibility with meat and vegetables and soup, is also excellent. It will guide you through the exotic exotic cuisine of the Middle East. Middle East of meal circumstances Japan and significantly different, exotic atmosphere is charming Middle East. But can go by the recent situation I have more and more difficult countries, still it is a fascinating country in many areas. I have previous experience who visited such as Iran and Turkey, but I got the impression that the kind and friendly people often.

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